What happens in the trucking world when hurricanes strike? Find out here.
Bad weather can seriously affect anyone’s daily schedule. It can certainly affect the chain supply, especially if a particular area suffers significant damage. Hurricane season lasts between June and November in the Mid-Atlantic region, and although a storm does not often approach the Mid-Atlantic states, it can happen. That is why it is best to be prepared. What can you expect as a business when hurricanes and the trucking industry collide?
Truckers Need to Be Ready
Truckers themselves have to be ready for a weather emergency or natural disaster. All truckers should have an emergency kit in their semi-trucks. It can even be helpful to have one on board for those who drive a day cab. This kit would include essentials as you might have in your home, such as a flashlight, food, water, a radio, and an emergency blanket.
Truckers Need to Be Alert
Truckers also need to keep up with weather reports live concerning an imminent storm. If their area has a hurricane, tornado, or severe thunderstorm warning, it is better to be safe than sorry and keep up with live updates. These reports will let someone know exactly where the storm is and what its trajectory is.
Trucking Companies Protect Their Fleets
Trucking companies also must do their part to prepare for a hurricane. If they are in the path of a hurricane, they should be ready to protect the fleet at their home base. Trucks and trailers must be stabilized; a hurricane can be powerful enough to blow them on their sides. Flying debris could also damage the equipment.
Truckers Stay Safe on the Road
On the road, truckers must do their best to stay safe. The greatest danger to semi-trucks in a storm is high wind speed. While staying abreast of live weather updates, the trucker must also use common sense and pull over if the weather becomes too severe. The general rule for truckers is to drive slower than the speed limit on highways and for all vehicles to travel slower when it is raining.
Trucker Aid Those in Need
FEMA recruits trucks from all over a region affected by a hurricane to deliver aid such as fuel, food, and medical supplies. When part of the region suffers hurricane devastation, the region’s truckers will come to its aid. Truckers and the community work together when hurricanes strike!
For All Your Trucking Needs
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