Avoiding the Common Causes of Trucking Accidents

Common Causes for Trucking AccidentsAccidents while driving on the road are bound to happen. No matter what type of vehicle you may drive, either an error on your part or an error on someone else’s part will cause an accident at some point. However, if you are driving a large tractor trailer, the accidents can become much serious. Trucking accidents can lead to serious injury and fatalities due to their size and weight, which is why it is so imperative that drivers are careful when driving. While some accidents aren’t preventable, there are several ways trucking accidents can be prevented.

One of the major causes of trucking accidents is fatigue. Truck drivers should never remain behind the wheel of their vehicle when they begin to feel tired and fatigued. When your eyes begin to droop and you find it hard to focus on the road, pulling over is always the better option. Truck drivers should also never get behind the wheel of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. Not only is this dangerous, it is against the law.

Trucking accidents can also be prevented if drivers travel at a safe speed. Instead of driving aggressively and quickly, truck drivers should drive calmly and at safe speed to avoid being in a trucking accident. Driving fast can make it hard for drivers to slow down quickly, which can cause collisions. A truck driver should also eliminate the types of distractions they have within their vehicle. Putting down the cell phone and waiting to eat until reaching a stop are both great examples of major forms of distraction while driving.

Evan Transportation was founded in 1992 by Jerry Wolfarth, who at the time had over 25 years of experience in the trucking and transportation industry. The initial operation consisted of a few trucks and drivers who were dedicated and professional. The goal of the company was, and remains, to provide excellent, dependable service.

We higher drivers with previous trucking experience, who know how to avoid these common mistakes while driving. Our drivers know how important safety is while on the road, which is why they are trained in safety before they are on the road.

Contact us today for all of your freight shipment needs or call us at 443-673-3365. We will discuss your tractor trailer options for the freight you wish to ship.

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