Trucks carry most of our goods from place to place. After all, roads are the most efficient mode of transport in the United States. How it all works may be a mystery, but it is all part of how a… Read More
Do Current Events Affect the Trucking Industry?
The trucking industry moves valuable commodities from manufacturing sites to the consumer. They are the vehicles of the flow of supply and demand. While trains, planes, and ships also assist in supply and demand, semi-trucks remain a robust form of… Read More
Why Do Trucks Need Diesel Fuel?
You might have noticed that semi-trucks use diesel rather than gasoline for fuel. Why do trucks need diesel fuel? Why is diesel better than gasoline for semis? Find out the answer to this popular question here!
Trucking and AI in 2023
Through good times and uncertain ones, every industry must plow and conquer, and that is no exception for the trucking industry. Trucking companies must carry their load of trials, but despite issues like trucker shortages, port congestions, and non-CDL compliances,… Read More
Do Trucks Have to Stop at Weigh Stations?
When traveling on the highway, you might have noticed that there are signs for weigh stations along the way. If you are a business owner looking for a reliable trucking company, you might also have come across weigh stations and… Read More
Hurricanes and the Trucking Industry
Bad weather can seriously affect anyone’s daily schedule. It can certainly affect the chain supply, especially if a particular area suffers significant damage. Hurricane season lasts between June and November in the Mid-Atlantic region, and although a storm does not… Read More
How Trucking Works
How exactly does trucking work? Trucking makes up at least 70% of the transportation of goods in the United States; if you got it, a trucker brought it. Truckers are core to how our country operates daily to get and… Read More
Does Outsourcing Freight Shipping Save Money?
Inflation has taken a toll on virtually every business operating over the past few years, and many companies are looking for ways to decrease their spending and save money as much as possible. One of the ways that you can… Read More
Are Semi Trucks Hard to Drive?
Whether you want to learn how to drive a semi truck or you want to put yourself in your truck driver’s shoes, you can learn here how hard it really is to drive one. Are semi trucks hard to drive?
How To Choose A Trucking Company
If you’re finding yourself in need of a trucking company, you may be surprised how many options there are. The average person usually doesn’t need to ship anything that can’t be handled by the standard parcel services, but as a… Read More