When you are new to any career, it’s only natural to have some rookie jitters. After all, a career that’s as complex, diverse, and dangerous as trucking has a lot more involved than people think, and no one could pick… Read More
Archive for the ‘Trucking Industry’ Category
The Best Trucking Apps for Your New Smartphone Device
Did you get a new smartphone device over the holidays? Whether you’re a seasoned pro with your smartphone or a beginner looking to figure out the best way to use it on the road, here are some of the best… Read More
2017 Trucking Industry Trends
Times change, and the new year is nearly upon us. Did you know that there are over 3.5 million truckers employed in the U.S.? Transportations trends are set to have a big impact on workers in 2017. Here are a… Read More
6 Things Every New Truck Driver Should Consider
Trucking offers many terrific benefits and opportunities, but it’s also important for up and coming truck drivers to take the time to learn more about the industry and determine if it’s right for them. Here are a few insights that… Read More
How Will a President Trump Impact the Trucking Industry?
Donald Trump is America’s President-elect, and he has promised to make America’s infrastructure great again. How he’ll put his vision into action, however, remains unsettled. Most involved in the trucking industry are hopeful that he will deliver on his campaign… Read More
Forecast Shows Continued Growth for U.S. Trucking
The American Trucking Association recently released the latest edition of its forecast for the future of freight transportation, and projected growth in both overall freight volumes and in the amount of goods moved by truck.
Why Every Trucker Needs a Dash Cam
Technology has done a great deal to change the trucking industry. While not every change is well received, some can be extraordinarily helpful to drivers. Dashboard cameras are one such new technology that has proven exceedingly popular and useful for… Read More
Department of Transportation Proposing New Speed Limit Rule on Freightliners
The Obama administration recently proposed a rule that would have truckers use a device on their rigs that would limit their top speed. Proposed in combination by the Transportation Department’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Federal Motor Carrier… Read More
Driving Safely Through Fog
Fog presents a serious driving challenge as foggy conditions reduce visibility and make the road increasingly dangerous. As a professional truck driver, it’s important to practice safe driving habits. Here are a few tips for staying safe on the road… Read More
NTSB Confirms Tesla Speeding in Trailer Truck Accident
You may have heard about the fatal Tesla accident that happened in Florida last May. The high profile case drew the attention of many as people began to question the safety of “self-driving” vehicles. The National Transportation Safety Board recently… Read More