If you’re considering a truck driving career, you should be aware that it is not for everyone, while it is a great profession. There are often issues like long hours and loneliness that make it difficult for some people to adjust to the truck driving lifestyle. There are also plenty of misconceptions about the field that make people think that it is a better career choice for them than it is. Before you commit to a training program or career change, read these five points about truck driving.

Before you commit to a training program or career change into trucking, consider these five points about a truck driving career.
Truck Driving Careers and Pay
People assume that extended hours will always translate to huge paychecks, but that isn’t always true. There are also many costs associated with over-road trucking, and those costs are almost universally going up. In the “old days,” you could get breakfast on the road for $2, but that isn’t the case anymore, especially if you’re trying to eat healthily. There are other costs as well. Fuel costs are also on the rise, and they cut into your bottom line, especially if you’re an owner-operator.
Importance Of Communication
Many people assume that trucking’s solo lifestyle makes it great for people who don’t like to talk to others. This isn’t necessarily true, however, since communication is a massive part of the job. You need to communicate with your dispatcher, with your customers who are receiving the load, and with repair shops. Poor communication skills can leave you in bad positions, where the dispatcher is not inclined to make your life easier. The receivers at your destination can also make you wait to unload, which is time you’re likely not getting paid for.
Stress Of The Lifestyle
Every job has stress of some sort, but the trucking profession’s very lifestyle can be a source of stress. Spending overnights away from your family, sometimes for more days of the month than you spend at home, is a select type of stress. This can also stress your relationships with your friends and family. There is also stress associated with the job tasks – driving and traffic are stressful, especially if it makes you run late. Getting lost in a new area can also be incredibly stressful, and negotiating new, small docks and trucking lots can peak your anxiety.
Necessity Of Flexibility
In this industry, you need to be flexible. Being flexible will help you handle the stress of the job as it comes. Being flexible will also allow you to pivot, sometimes into a different role or even another position if you find you need to.
For All Your Trucking Needs
Follow us here at Evan Transportation to get more updates on driving tips and the trucking industry. Evan Transportation provides trucking and transportation services for clients throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. All of our drivers and staff are offered competitive salaries, benefits, and are guaranteed to be home every day. Interested in finding out more? Visit us online or give us a call at 443-673-3365. For even more information, visit us on Facebook,Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.